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Abbildungen der in Deutschland und den angrenzenden gebieten vorkommenden grundformen der orchideenarten.

Abbildungen der in Deutschland
Full title: 
Abbildungen der in Deutschland und den angrenzenden gebieten vorkommenden grundformen der orchideenarten. 60 tafeln nach der natur gemalt und in farbendruck ausgeführt von Walter Müller (Gera) mit beschreibendem text von dr. F. Kränzlin (Berlin)
Kränzlin, Friedrich | Müller, Walter
Place & Publisher: 
Berlin / R. Friedländer & sohn

This book is a series of sixty coloured plates representing the orchids which occur in Central Europe. The introduction and the text are from the pen of Dr. Kränzlin, who tells us at the outset that the book is not intended for professed botanists, but for those who take an interest in botany, or who possess a love of flowers. For this reason it is, we suppose, that the minimum of anatomical structure and the details of physiology are but lightly touched on. The reader, however, has put before him in a very clear way the principal points in the morphology of this most interesting group, together with an account of the conformation of each species..
